Progentra: Uses, Dosage, How it works, Side Effects, Reviews

Progentra is a male enhancement dietary supplement promoted as a fix for poor sexual performance and premature release of semen during an orgasm. When ejaculation occurs faster than you or your partner would like, it’s known as premature ejaculation (PE).
PE is common. About one in three men between the ages of 18 and 59 experiences PE at some point. Progentra contains the following ingredients:
Tongkat Ali: Tongkat ali, or longjack, is an herbal supplement that comes from the roots of the green shrub tree Eurycoma longifolia, which is native to Southeast Asia. This Progentra ingredient is used in traditional medicine in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and other Asian countries to treat malaria, infections, fevers, male infertility, and erectile dysfunction.
Specifically, tongkat ali contains flavonoids, alkaloids, and other compounds that act as antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that fight cellular damage caused by molecules called free radicals. Tongkat ali’s potential to increase testosterone in men with low levels of this primary sex hormone is well known and well documented. Effects of inadequate testosterone levels include low libido, erectile dysfunction, and in some cases, infertility. Since compounds in Tongkat ali may boost low testosterone, it could treat these issues.
Maca: The maca plant is another ingredient in Progentra. Known scientifically as Lepidium meyenii, is sometimes referred to as Peruvian ginseng. Some evidence suggests that taking concentrated maca supplements may benefit those with low libido or low sexual desire.
A 2015 study in 45 women who were experiencing antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction found that taking 3,000 mg of maca root per day for 12 weeks significantly improved sexual function and libido compared with a placebo. A 2010 review that included four high-quality studies with a total of 131 participants found evidence that taking maca improved sexual desire after at least 6 weeks. However, the researchers noted that the studies included in the review were small and that evidence was too limited to draw firm conclusions.
L-Arginine: The final ingredient in Progentra is L-arginine an amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are divided into essential and nonessential categories. Nonessential amino acids are made in the body, but essential amino acids are not. As such, they must be provided through dietary intake. L-arginine is considered semi-essential or conditionally essential, meaning that it becomes essential under certain circumstances and conditions, including pregnancy, infancy, critical illness, and trauma. A 2019 review of 10 studies found that taking arginine supplements in doses ranging from 1.5–5 grams daily significantly improved erectile dysfunction, compared with a placebo or no treatment.
How is Progentra taken?
The recommended dosage of Progentra is 2 tablets taken in the evening or at least 3 hours before intercourse.

How long does it take Progentra to work?
Restorative herbal supplements like Progentra may have a small immediate effect but can take weeks or months to build up in your system enough for you to really notice that long-term healing process and longer-lasting benefits.
Progentra reviews online have been mixed with some claiming it works perfectly for them and others dismissing the product as a scam that does not work.
What are the side effects of Progentra?
This supplement is generally considered safe and well-tolerated. However, based on the ingredients, the likely side effects of Progentra can include:
But again, Progentra may not be for everybody. As is the case with other supplements, Progentra isn’t regulated by the FDA, and there’s little information about the safety of long-term Progentra consumption. You’re probably already on it, but if not: Talk to your doctor if you’re considering taking Progentra supplement. Keep an eye on
Altered thyroid function: If you have a thyroid condition, don’t take maca until you get the go-ahead from a medical professional. As an adaptogen, maca impacts the endocrine system that rules your body’s hormones. So if you have a thyroid disorder, adding an adaptogen like maca into the mix might not be the best idea without your doctor weighing in.
Hormonal changes: Speaking of hormones, experts caution that maca extract may act like estrogen once it enters the body, and advise people dealing with hormone-sensitive conditions to avoid it entirely.