Can I Pee After Inserting Monistat 3?

What is Monistat 3?
Monistat 3 is a combination medication used to treat vaginal yeast infections. It contains 3 vaginal suppositories or tablets (200mg Miconazole Nitrate) with 3 applicators and 1 tube of external anti-itch cream.
Miconazole reduces vaginal burning, itching, and discharge that may occur with this condition. This medication is an azole antifungal. It works by stopping the growth of yeast (fungus) that causes the infection.
Ask your doctor before using this medication for self-treatment if this is your first vaginal infection. This medication only works for vaginal fungal infections. You may have a different type of infection (such as bacterial vaginosis) and may need a different medication. If you have a fever, chills, flu-like symptoms, stomach or abdominal pain, or a bad-smelling vaginal discharge, do not use this medication. Contact your doctor right away because these may be signs of a more serious infection.
What are some of the benefits of Monistat 3 vs. an oral prescription treatment?
Monistat 3 may be a better choice than Diflucan® (fluconazole), because:
o Monistat 3 relieves yeast infection symptoms 4 times faster
o Monistat 3 cures more of the most common types of yeast infections1,2
o Monistat 3 starts working right at the site of infection (vs. the prescription pill which has to be digested and absorbed into the bloodstream before they start working).
o Women who have had previous yeast infections and are experiencing the same symptoms do not have to wait for a doctor’s appointment to get the relief they need.
o Your health insurance company may now require that you use over-the-counter miconazole or Monistat 3 before a prescription pill.
How to use Monistat 3 Kit
If you are using the over-the-counter product to self-treat, read all directions on the product package before using this medication. If you have any questions, consult your pharmacist. If your doctor has prescribed this medication, use it as directed.
Read the Patient Information Leaflet available from your pharmacist. Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions.
This pack comes with 3 vaginal suppository inserts and disposable applicators. It also includes itch cream for external itch relief. You should use this product right before bedtime and wear a pad or pantiliner.
How to insert the suppositories: Take one suppository out of the packaging and put it in the top of the applicator so it won’t fall out. Hold the applicator from the bottom end where the moveable plunger is, and insert the applicator into your vagina as far as it will comfortably go. Push the plunger in to release the suppository, as you would normally insert a tampon. Pull out both parts of the applicator and throw it away (do not flush). Wash your hands, then lie down as soon as possible to minimize any leakage. Repeat these steps over the next 2 nights with the remaining suppositories.
How to apply the external itch cream: To relieve itching and irritation, you can use the included external itch cream on the skin outside your vagina for up to 7 days. Apply the cream once in the morning and once before bedtime, as needed.
This product is for vaginal use only. Wash your hands before and after use. Avoid contact of this product with your eyes. If it gets into your eyes, wash them right away with plenty of water. Call your doctor if eye irritation lasts.
Continue to use this medication every day for the full-time prescribed, even if symptoms disappear after a few days or if your menstrual period starts. Stopping the medication too soon may allow the yeast infection to return.
Do not use tampons, douches, spermicides, or other vaginal products while using this medication. Unscented sanitary napkins may be used for your menstrual period or to protect your clothing from leakage of the medication.
Can I Pee After Inserting Monistat 3?
Yes, Monistat 3 tablets and suppositories do not prevent you from peeing. However, avoid peeing immediately after insertion. Although the urethra is outside or in front of the vagina, some of the urine may go inside the vagina. This can dissolve the drug too fast and make it too watery.
Miconazole is absorbed systemically after vaginal application, reaching peak levels after 6 hours. It is recommended that you should stay off peeing for at least one hour after using Monistat 3.
However, doctors recommend emptying your bladder regularly, about once every three hours. While delaying nature’s call for an hour or two won’t pose any threat to your health, it’s possible to harm your body by holding pee for too long, or by making a habit of not relieving yourself often enough.
A healthy bladder can hold about 2 cups of urine before it’s considered full. It takes your body 9 to 10 hours to produce 2 cups of urine. That’s about as long as you can wait and still be in the safe zone without the possibility of damaging your organs.
In the worst of circumstances, your bladder may stretch to hold even more than 2 cups of fluid. But if for some reason you’re not physically able to pee, or if you notice that your child is not peeing, you’re right to be concerned.
To avoid a situation like holding your urine just because of an insert, always pee before using Monistat 3. This will prevent the urge from coming shortly after inserting the medication.
Can I exercise while taking Monistat 3?
No, avoid rigorous exercise while taking Monistat 3. The medication is best taken at night when you go to bed, and you can expect some leakage with product use. For best results, lie down as soon as possible after inserting the product. This will reduce leakage. You may want to use panty liners to protect your clothing during the time you are using Monistat 3.
What should I do if it doesn’t clear up?
If your symptoms do not get better in 3 days or symptoms last more than 7 days, these may be signs that you may have a more serious condition. If this is the case, stop the use of the product and contact your healthcare professional.
Can I use Monistat 3 while on my period?
Yes, Monistat 3 can be used during your menstrual period. In fact, many women get vaginal yeast infections just before their period because of hormone changes. Using Monistat 3 during your period will not affect how well the product works. If you have started treatment and your period occurs, you should complete the full course of treatment. Do not use tampons while using Monistat 3 because tampons may remove some of the drug from the vagina. Use sanitary napkins or pads instead, and change them often.
If my symptoms clear up before I finish using, Monistat 3, can I stop treatment?
No. the manufacturers recommend the product be used as directed in order to fully cure the infection. When using Monistat 3 as directed, you may start to get relief of symptoms in a few hours. If your symptoms do not get better in 3 days or symptoms last more than 7 days, these may be signs that you may have a more serious condition. If you completed the full course of medication and your symptoms do not get better stop the use of the product and contact your healthcare professional.
Can I safely use Monistat 3 antifungals if I am pregnant?
No, only a 7-day topical yeast infection treatment is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the treatment of yeast infections in pregnant women. If you are pregnant and think you have a vaginal yeast infection, talk to your healthcare professional before using any product to treat the infection.