7 Advantages of Birth Control to The Society

On average, women in the United States desire to have two children. However, in pursuit of this goal, women spend nearly three years either being pregnant, in the postpartum period, or trying to conceive. Additionally, they spend approximately three decades, which accounts for more than three-quarters of their reproductive lives, actively trying to avoid pregnancy.
Unwanted pregnancy refers to a situation where a person becomes pregnant without desiring or planning to conceive. It occurs when contraception methods are not used or fail, or in cases of sexual coercion or assault. Unwanted pregnancies can have significant emotional, social, and financial consequences for individuals and may lead them to consider options such as abortion, adoption, or parenting.
The prevalence of unwanted pregnancies varies across different regions and populations. However, it remains a global concern. Reliable and up-to-date statistics on unwanted pregnancies can be challenging to obtain due to factors like underreporting and variations in data collection methods. Additionally, cultural and societal factors can influence the reporting and perception of unwanted pregnancies.
Historically, unwanted pregnancies have been relatively common. Efforts have been made worldwide to improve access to contraception, sexual education, and reproductive health services, which can help reduce the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies. It is important to note that comprehensive sexual education, availability of a range of contraceptive options, and access to safe and legal abortion services are crucial in preventing and managing unwanted pregnancies. In this article, we will explore the significant advantages of birth control to society as a whole.
What is birth control?
Birth control, also known as contraception or family planning, refers to the methods, devices, or practices used to prevent pregnancy. It involves various techniques that aim to control fertility and enable individuals or couples to plan, space, or prevent pregnancies according to their reproductive goals and desires.
There are numerous types of birth control methods available, offering a range of options to suit different preferences, lifestyles, and health considerations. These methods can be broadly categorized into the following categories:
1. Barrier Methods: These methods work by creating a physical barrier between sperm and the uterus to prevent fertilization. Examples include condoms (both male and female) and diaphragms.
2. Hormonal Methods: Hormonal birth control methods use synthetic hormones (such as estrogen and/or progestin) to regulate ovulation, thicken cervical mucus, and thin the uterine lining, thereby preventing fertilization. These methods include oral contraceptive pills, contraceptive patches, injections, hormonal intrauterine devices (IUDs), and contraceptive implants.
3. Intrauterine Devices (IUDs): IUDs are small, T-shaped devices that are inserted into the uterus. They can be hormonal or non-hormonal and provide long-term contraception.
4. Emergency Contraception: Also known as the “morning-after pill,” emergency contraception is used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure. It typically contains a higher dose of hormones to inhibit ovulation or prevent implantation of a fertilized egg.
5. Sterilization: This permanent method involves surgical procedures to block or cut the fallopian tubes in women (tubal ligation) or the vas deferens in men (vasectomy), preventing the sperm from reaching the egg.
6. Natural Methods: These methods involve tracking menstrual cycles and identifying fertile and infertile periods to avoid intercourse during the fertile window. They include fertility awareness-based methods and the withdrawal method (pulling out).
Advantages of birth control to the society
The advantages of birth control to any society are:
Empowering Women
One of the most significant advantages of birth control is its ability to empower women. By providing women with the means to control their reproductive choices, birth control enables them to pursue educational and career opportunities, participate actively in the workforce, and make informed decisions about their lives. When women can choose when and if to have children, they gain greater control over their bodies, personal fulfillment, and long-term aspirations.
Reducing Unintended Pregnancies
Unintended pregnancies can have far-reaching consequences for individuals and society. Birth control methods, such as hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine devices (IUDs), condoms, and sterilization, help to prevent unintended pregnancies and give individuals the ability to plan and space their pregnancies according to their desires. By reducing unintended pregnancies, birth control contributes to improved maternal and child health, lowers the demand for abortions, and alleviates the strain on healthcare systems.
Promoting Family Planning
Access to birth control empowers couples and individuals to make informed choices about family planning. When people have the ability to decide the number and spacing of their children, it can lead to smaller, healthier families. Family planning has numerous societal benefits, including reduced population growth rates, improved maternal and child health outcomes, increased economic stability, and enhanced education opportunities for children.
Enhancing Women’s Health
Birth control offers various health benefits for women. Hormonal contraceptives, for example, can regulate menstrual cycles, alleviate menstrual pain, and reduce the risk of certain reproductive cancers. Additionally, some forms of birth control help manage conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis. By providing women with control over their reproductive health, birth control promotes overall well-being and enables them to lead fulfilling lives.
Economic and Social Development
The availability of birth control plays a vital role in socioeconomic development. By allowing individuals to plan and space their pregnancies, birth control empowers women to participate fully in the workforce, pursue higher education, and contribute to economic growth. When women have access to birth control, they can focus on building their careers and achieving financial stability, leading to more prosperous societies overall.
Gender Equality and Empowerment
Birth control is closely linked to gender equality and women’s empowerment. When women have access to contraception, they gain greater control over their reproductive choices, leading to increased gender equality within relationships and society. Empowered women have a stronger voice, increased bargaining power, and more opportunities to participate in decision-making processes, both at home and in their communities.
The advantages of birth control to society are multifaceted and far-reaching. By empowering women, reducing unintended pregnancies, promoting family planning, enhancing women’s health, and driving economic and social development, birth control transforms communities and contributes to a more equitable and prosperous future. As we recognize the importance of reproductive rights and access to contraception, we must continue to advocate for comprehensive sexual education, affordable and accessible birth control options, and policies that support individuals in making informed choices about their reproductive health.