How to Inject Tribedoce

Tribedoce is a Mexican brand of Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), a man-made form of vitamin B12 used to prevent and treat low blood levels of this vitamin. Most people get enough vitamin B12 from their diet. Vitamin B12 is important to maintain the health of your metabolism, blood cells, and nerves.
Tribedoce injection is used to treat and prevent a lack of vitamin B12 that may be caused by any of the following: pernicious anemia (lack of a natural substance needed to absorb vitamin B12 from the intestine); certain diseases, infections, or medications that decrease the amount of vitamin B12 absorbed from food; or a vegan diet (strict vegetarian diet that does not allow any animal products, including dairy products and eggs).
Lack of vitamin B12 may cause anemia (condition in which the red blood cells do not bring enough oxygen to the organs) and permanent damage to the nerves. Tribedoce injection also may be given as a test to see how well the body can absorb vitamin B12. Tribedoce injection is in a class of medications called vitamins. Because it is injected straight into the bloodstream, it can be used to supply vitamin B12 to people who cannot absorb this vitamin through the intestine.
How Quickly Does Tribedoce Shot Work?
Several factors determine how fast Tribedoce shot will work, as a result, there’s no one size fits all when it comes to B12 shots. Even among individuals with deficiencies, there are too many variables to give a simple time frame. Patients with more severe deficiencies will require more sessions than patients with less serious deficiencies. Generally, you should see improvements within 24 to 72 hours after taking the Tribedoce shot.
How Are Tribedoce Shots Administered?
Administered intramuscularly, Tribedoce shots are absorbed slowly from the site of the injection into the body’s natural stores. Initially, someone requiring Tribedoce shots receives them every two to three days for two weeks; following this, the shots are administered once every two to three months.
This is due to the slow absorption of vitamin B 12 injections over time, particularly hydroxocobalamin over cyanocobalamin. So once the body has stored up enough vitamin B12, the injections can usually be reduced because the body will naturally hold enough.
Tribedoce Injection Sites
Tribedoce shots can be administered in various sites on the body, and the location can vary based upon patient age, health and whether or not the tribedoce shots will be self-administered.
Vitamin Injections advises the following as appropriate B12 injection sites:
Upper arm: Recommended primarily for adolescents and young to middle-age adults, the deltoid muscle in the upper arm is an ideal location for Tribedoce injections. By adolescence, it is developed enough to have the necessary thickness intramuscular injections require. Should the muscle remain well developed into later adulthood, older adults can also have intramuscular injections administered here.
Thigh: Specifically, the muscle injected is known as the vastus lateralis muscle. The thigh is a strong muscle appropriate for Tribedoce injections, and it is most appropriate for newborns and infants because it is one of the most developed muscles in youth. The thigh can also be appropriate for adults because it’s so easy to self-administer injections there. The needle is usually 2.5 centimeters in length and is inserted at a 90-degree angle.
Outer hip: Also known as the ventrogluteal injection site, this spot is most appropriate for adults and for infants above the age of seven months. Located just above the hip joint, it’s an ideal location for Tribedoce shots because it is free of the potential complications of other B12 injection sites. These may arise from damage to major blood vessels or to nerves, but neither are worries when you inject in the outer hip.
Buttocks: The buttocks, or the dorsogluteal region, used to be a popular injection site but has recently become more of a last resort, because it’s so close to the sciatic nerve and to some major blood vessels. In addition, because of the thick layer of adipose tissue — aka fatty tissue — in this region, the uptake of vitamin supplementation by the body is slower than you’ll find in other B12 injection sites.
How to Give Yourself a Tribedoce shot subcutaneously
To prevent infection, wash your hands before giving a Tribedoce shot. The skin is the body’s first defense against infection, so wash the injection site too (with an alcohol swab or soap). Wait until the area dries.
Draw Tribedoce from the vial into your syringe of choice (like 0.3ml insulin syringes). You may need to push and pull the plunger back and forth a couple of times, in a pumping motion. Avoid touching the needle on the glass bottom of the vial, because it might dull its sharpness.
Hold the syringe upside down and check for trapped air. If you see an air bubble, flick the side of the syringe. You may need to flick it several times, until all air has risen to the top. Then push the plunger a little, just enough to push out the air.
Pinch the fat (to make sure you’re only penetrating subcutaneous tissue). Then thrust the needle in, as if you’re throwing a dart. You’ll normally do it at a 90° angle. If you have too little fat under your skin, use 45°. Inject slowly.
When you give a Tribedoce shot, it’s important to rotate the sites if you want to keep your skin healthy. Repeated shots in the same spot can cause scarring or hardening of fatty tissue, which may interfere with absorption. Keep injection sites 1in (2.5cm) apart from each other. And don’t inject to any swollen/burned spot.
How to Inject Tribedoce Intramuscularly
Do you insist on injecting IM? Then follow the same instructions, only instead of pinching your fat, hold the flesh firmly using your thumb and index finger and insert the needle in the center.
Tribedoce Self Injection Is Easy
Now that you know how to administer Tribedoce by yourself, a new world is open to you. You no longer have to rely on doctors (who won’t give enough shots), or private clinics (who’ll charge up to $250 a shot). Instead, you can buy injectable B12 and do-it-yourself. Self administered B12 injections are safe, easy, and much more affordable.
Still not sure how to give yourself a B12 shot at home watch this video
What side effects can Tribedoce injection cause?
Tribedoce injection may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if either of these symptoms is severe or does not go away:
• diarrhea
• feeling as if your entire body as swollen
Some side effects can be serious. The following symptoms are uncommon, but if you experience any of them, call your doctor immediately:
• muscle weakness, cramps, or pain
• leg pain
• extreme thirst
• frequent urination
• confusion
• shortness of breath, especially when you exercise or lie down
• coughing or wheezing
• fast heartbeat
• extreme tiredness
• swelling of the arms, hands, feet, ankles or lower legs
• pain, warmth, redness, swelling or tenderness in one leg
• headache
• dizziness
• red skin color, especially on the face
• hives
• rash
• itching
• difficulty breathing or swallowing
Tribedoce injection may cause other side effects. Call your doctor if you have any unusual problems while taking this medication.
Only self-administer medication of any type if you’re advised to do so by a health care professional. Always consult your usual health care professional before beginning any new medications.