How to Spot Fake Fentanyl Laced Ecstasy Pills

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, one in four counterfeit pills made with Fentanyl contains a lethal dose. Only 2 milligrams can kill you. New reports are confirming the emergence of fake ecstasy pills containing meth and fentanyl at parties
The Houston Forensic Science Lab, one of the largest labs in the US, is seeing a new chemical in clandestine pills popping up at rave parties. It can be in the form of x, aka ecstasy, or fake prescription pills cut down with fentanyl.
Ecstasy (3, 4-methylenedioxy-N-methamphetamine, or MDMA) is a drug that is illegally made. Ecstasy is a stimulant drug that can cause hallucinations. It is known as a designer drug because it was created for the purpose of making someone feel high. The drug is popular with teens and young adults who go to clubs, concerts, or “rave” parties.
However, drug dealers are mixing this already dangerous substance with the more lethal fentanyl. Please be alert and aware that there are fake prescription pills, such as Xanax, Percocet, and Adderall on the street and available thru social media. These fake pills contain deadly amounts of the very potent Opioid called Fentanyl. One pill can kill. This Fentanyl also can lace Ecstasy, MJ(POT), METHAMPHETAMINE, almost any drug. Never take anything unless its prescribed by a doctor and gotten from a pharmacy. In the past experimenting with these things was wrong, but not usually deadly. Now, this illicit Fentanyl is in almost anything, not from a pharmacy and is killing students.
How to Spot Fake Fentanyl Laced Ecstasy pills
The simplest way to spot fake fentanyl laced ecstasy pills is by fentanyl testing. A new University of Maryland study found fentanyl tops the list of drugs detected in overdose patients at two Baltimore hospital emergency departments. The finding suggests that hospitals and medical systems throughout the United States consider adding fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid linked to most fatal overdoses in Maryland, to their routine drug testing panels. That is the conclusion of researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) and the Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) at the University of Maryland, College Park. Currently, fentanyl is not routinely included in these panels nationwide. The procedure described below can help law enforcement agents and public health officials to pick out fentanyl laced powders and pills.
- Crush pill or pour powder into a clean bowl or test tube
- Add ¼ inch of clean water to the powder in the tube or bowl and mix properly
- Dip the end of the test strip into the residue for 15 seconds, remove, and lay on a clean flat surface
- Check strip after 5 minutes, (manufacturer’s directions) results may be visible sooner: One line means fentanyl (positive) Two lines means no fentanyl (negative)
NOTE: If the strip does not either have one or two lines, the test is invalid.